USADF FY’23 Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2023 was a monumental period for USADF, defined by achievements unprecedented in our Agency’s history. For a comprehensive overview of USADF’s key achievements, programming updates, program oversight, and more from the past year, explore our FY’23 Annual Report:

FY2022 was a historic year for USADF. Check out our annual report to discover the Foundation's key achievements, such as the swearing-in of our 10th President/CEO, new country partnerships, increased engagements with governments, agencies, and the diaspora. Download our FY 2022 Annual Report to learn more about USADF's impact.

USADF has proven that small-scale grants can provide sizable direct return on investment. On average, for every $10K in USADF grant funding in Africa, 25 workers are hired in the agriculture sector and 19 by youth-led enterprises, while 79 people are connected to electricity.
View the Mandela 100 Global Citizen Festival 2021 Impact Report
Download our FY 2020 Annual Report to learn more about USADF's impact.

Téléchargez la version traduite en Français du rapport annuel de l’exercice 2020
Download our Impact Report from 2015–2019 to learn more about USADF’s work and impact.

View our Investing in Resilience from the Ground Up Report

As part of a collaboration between the U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) and Foreign Policy Analytics (FPA), FPA appraised the effect of USADF grants on local entrepreneurship and small- and medium-sized businesses’ contributions to resiliency, stability, and security across the Sahel, the Great Lakes, and the Horn regions of Africa. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis of more than 1,120 USADF grants across the three regions, and interviews with more than 50 grantees in agriculture, off-grid energy, and youth-entrepreneurship, FPA found that community-led development grants play a critical role in fragile communities across the African continent, creating jobs, filling gaps in public service delivery, and acting as a force for stability in conflict areas.