Transforming Seed Production: The Success Story of Doun-Ka-Fa in Mali

May 24, 2023

In the agricultural sector, having access to high-quality seeds that are adapted to local conditions is essential for achieving better crop yields and ensuring food security, especially in areas such as Mali with highly variable rainfall. Unfortunately, small-scale farmers often struggle to obtain such seeds due to inadequate seed multiplication, storage, processing, and transportation systems. This was also the case for Doun-Ka-Fa, a USADF grantee in Mali who faced difficulties providing farmers with quality seeds. 

Doun-Ka-Fa is a company that specializes in cereal seed production, including maize, sorghum, millet, and rice seeds. However, before receiving grant funding from USADF, the company faced challenges such as low storage capacity, inadequate processing and transportation systems, and limited resource access.  

In 2020, USADF awarded a grant of approximately $205K to Doun-Ka-Fa to help address these challenges and improve its operations. Doun-Ka-Fa used the funds to develop a borehole, install an irrigation system, construct a warehouse and an office, acquire a seed processing press and a delivery truck, and train its outgrowers on seed production techniques and quality management.  

The impact of this grant on Doun-Ka-Fa's operations has been significant. As a result of these investments, the company has improved the quality of its seeds and increased its output. The operational improvements led to increased revenues and profits for the company. With the support of USADF, Doun-Ka-Fa has experienced significant growth in its certified seed sales. From 2018 to 2021, the company's total revenue doubled from US$132K to US$267K. In addition, the net profit increased fivefold, and the quantity of certified seeds sold nearly doubled from 157 tons to 292 tons annually. 

Doun-Ka-Fa's achievements, aided by USADF, show how targeted investments and assistance can bring about significant changes in agriculture and enhance food security. This highlights the significance of partnerships and teamwork in creating positive transformation and emphasizes the importance of getting high-quality seed adapted to local conditions, which is critical to improved smallholder production when dealing with climate change.