UCCFTM: Revolutionizing Cassava Production and Women's Livelihoods

Apr 10, 2023

In the small town of Savalou in Benin, the Union Communale des CoopĂ©ratives des Femmes Transformatrices de Manioc (UCCFTM) is making a big impact. The women-led cooperative has been transforming cassava into gari, a popular West African staple food, for years. However, due to limited resources and outdated equipment, their production and sales were minimal. 

That all changed in 2020 when UCCFTM was awarded a grant of US$247K from USADF. The grant enabled UCCFRM to purchase modern equipment, including cassava graters, hydraulic presses, drying racks, and motorcycles for the transportation of raw materials and finished goods. Additionally, a new storage warehouse was constructed, which eliminated the need to rent storage space and improved product quality. 

With the support of USADF, UCCFTM increased their gari production by an impressive 523 percent and their gross margin profits by 2,221 percent, from US$8,723 to US$202,455. These numbers represent not only a significant increase in production and revenue but also a drastic improvement in the livelihoods of the cooperative's 105 members, who are all women. 

Before the grant, many UCCFTM members struggled to make ends meet due to limited income from cassava processing. However, with the increase in production and sales, their annual income from cassava products increased by 203 percent, from US$779,795 to US$2,363,505. This increase in income has enabled these women to support their families and invest in their future. 

In addition to improving the lives of the cooperative's members, UCCFTM's success has had a positive impact on the wider community. The increased production has led to the creation of new jobs, and the cooperative now sources cassava from neighboring communities, providing an additional source of income for local farmers. 

Through UCCFTM's success, it is evident that investing in women-led cooperatives can have a significant impact on livelihoods and economic growth. With the support of USADF and other organizations, more cooperatives like UCCFTM can transform the lives of women and communities across Africa.